La page de Marian & Drazen
La page de Marian & Drazen
But: 500$
But: 500$
600,00 $ amassés par 13 donateurss
600,00 $ amassés par 13 donateurss

Marian & Drazen Turn 25!


Join us in celebrating our 25th birthdays by raising funds for Starlight Children's Foundation Canada! While we are privileged to celebrate another exciting year with all of you, hundreds of seriously ill children across the country spend their birthdays isolated at home or in their hospital bed. This year, we'd love for you to join us in helping give a gift to a sick child in need of a smile!


Your donation will go a long way in bringing much-needed joy and comfort into the life of a Starlight child. Thank you!



Marian & Drazen


About Starlight Canada:

Starlight Children’s Foundation® Canada does what no medicine can do: create priceless smiles and memories for seriously ill children and their families. For over 30 years, Starlight Canada has been spreading joy to sick kids across the country through a unique blend of hospital to home programs designed for the whole family.


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Contributeurs récents

13 dons ont été faits à ce participant.
50,00 $
Drazen Josef
50,00 $
Akkahas Thamilmaran
50,00 $
Ying Su
30,00 $
Samantha Wong
50,00 $
sam p
30,00 $
Brandon & Renee Tabinga/Yeung
50,00 $
jai tobias
50,00 $
50,00 $
Adriano Randazzo
50,00 $
Jessica Duckett
50,00 $
Linda Stroude
50,00 $
Graeme & Rachel
40,00 $
Sandhya & Cameron Narikuzhy/Bruce

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